English Pronoun Reform

I was thinking about how in standard English the dual case has been dropped, there's no distinction between the inclusive and exclusive first-person plural, there's no standard second-person plural, and the gender-neutral third-person is the same for both singular and plural. I also thought about how the concept of gender has expanded and how language could be standardized to have one set of pronouns for Xenine, Outherine, Neutrosis, Agender, Nonbinary, and other identities. So, I put these ideas together in a pronoun "reform".

I also included a few extra concepts. There are specific pronouns for referring to a whole system, rather than one alter, which I thought of because I've seen systems use "we" to refer to the system, which could be made less ambiguous with a unique pronoun. I also thought it would be interesting to have separate pronouns for animals/organisms and beings beyond our current scientific understanding of the world, which also helps to remove ambiguity in writing and conversation. Though animals don't have gender (they only have sex), lack the ability to speak like humans, and don't have DID, I've included personal pronouns, nonbinary-gendered pronouns, and system pronouns for purposes of personification such as in fairy tales. 

Third-person inanimate pronouns have also been expanded. "It" still functions as the singular pronoun, but gendered inanimate pronouns have been made for purposes of personification. There's also an inanimate plural, "Li".
